Micro-service application running inside Docker Container Error: IDX10803 and IDX10804 Unable to obtain configuration from: 'https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration'

Problem: IDX10803 and IDX10804 Unable to obtain configuration from: 'https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration'

Solution: Do not use localhost in your url reference from another application instead use the actual IP Address of the localhost e.g. .


Micro-service application running inside Docker Container Error: IDX10803 and IDX10804 Unable to obtain configuration from: 'https://localhost/.well-known/openid-configuration'

Edited Version 2

Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows developers to package applications into lightweight, portable containers. Microservices are small, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently of each other. When running microservices inside Docker containers, it's important to ensure that they have access to the necessary configuration information in order to function properly. In this blog post, we will discuss the error IDX10803 and IDX10804 that can occur when a microservice application running inside a Docker container is unable to obtain configuration from 'httpslocalhost.well-knownopenid-configuration'.

What are OpenID Connect and OAuth2?

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an extension of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that provides a standard way for users to authenticate with third-party applications. It allows users to grant access to their personal information, such as their name and email address, without sharing their login credentials with the application.

OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for authorization that allows users to grant third-party applications access to their resources, such as their data or services, without sharing their login credentials. It provides a secure way for users to control access to their resources and protect their privacy.

What is the well-known OpenID Connect configuration?

The well-known OpenID Connect configuration is a standard set of endpoints that are used by OpenID Connect clients to discover the configuration information needed to authenticate with an OpenID Connect provider. These endpoints include

* The authorization endpoint, which is used to initiate the authentication process and redirect the user to the OpenID Connect provider's login page.

* The token endpoint, which is used to exchange the authorization code for an access token that can be used to authenticate with the OpenID Connect provider.

* The introspection endpoint, which is used by clients to verify the validity of the access token and obtain additional information about the user.

When a microservice application running inside a Docker container is unable to obtain configuration from 'httpslocalhost.well-knownopenid-configuration', it means that the container does not have access to the necessary endpoints to authenticate with an OpenID Connect provider. This can occur if the container is not properly configured or if there are network issues between the container and the OpenID Connect provider.

How to fix the error IDX10803 and IDX10804?

To fix the error IDX10803 and IDX10804, you can try the following steps

1. Check the container's network configuration
Make sure that the container has access to the internet and that it is configured to use the correct DNS server. You can check the container's network configuration by running the 'docker inspect' command and looking for the 'NetworkSettings' section.

2. Verify that the OpenID Connect provider is reachable
Make sure that the OpenID Connect provider is reachable from the container by pinging its endpoints using the 'ping' command. You can also use a tool like 'curl' to test the endpoints and verify that they are returning the expected responses.

3. Check the container's environment variables
Make sure that the container has the necessary environment variables set, such as the OpenID Connect provider's endpoint URLs. You can check the container's environment variables by running the 'docker inspect' command and looking for the 'EnvFrom' section.

4. Use a proxy server
If the container is behind a firewall or if there are network issues between the container and the OpenID Connect provider, you can use a proxy server to forward requests to the OpenID Connect provider. You can configure the proxy server to use the correct endpoint URLs and then configure the microservice application to use the proxy server as its OpenID Connect provider.

5. Use a Docker network
If you are running multiple containers in the same Docker environment, you can use a Docker network to connect the containers and share resources, including the OpenID Connect configuration. You can create a Docker network using the 'docker network create' command and then configure the microservice application to use the network as its OpenID Connect provider.


In this blog post, we have discussed the error IDX10803 and IDX10804 that can occur when a microservice application running inside a Docker container is unable to obtain configuration from 'httpslocalhost.well-knownopenid-configuration'. We have also provided steps to fix

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