`gateway4` has been deprecated, use default routes instead. See the 'Default routes' section of the documentation for more details

Question: How do you solve "`gateway4` has been deprecated, use default routes instead.
See the 'Default routes' section of the documentation for more details" in Ubuntu Linux netplan log messages?

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Answer: Use

     - to: default

       via: TheIPAddressOfYourDefaultGateway

`gateway4` has been deprecated, use default routes instead. See the 'Default routes' section of the documentation for more details

Edited Version 2
In recent years, there has been a shift towards using default routes in web development instead of relying on gateways. This change is due to several factors, including improved performance and scalability, as well as increased flexibility and security. One of the main reasons for this shift is that gateways can often become a bottleneck in web applications. They are typically used to route traffic from multiple clients to a single backend server, which can lead to performance issues if the gateway is not properly optimized. In contrast, default routes allow developers to distribute traffic across multiple backend servers, which can improve performance and scalability. Another advantage of using default routes is that they provide greater flexibility in terms of routing. With default routes, developers can easily add or remove backend servers as needed, without having to make changes to the gateway configuration. This makes it easier to scale applications up or down as needed, without having to worry about complex gateway configurations. In addition to performance and scalability benefits, default routes also provide increased security. By distributing traffic across multiple backend servers, developers can reduce the risk of a single point of failure that could compromise the entire application. This is particularly important in today's threat landscape, where cyber attacks

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