STAAR Surgical is a medical device company that designs and manufactures surgical instruments for various procedures, including ophthalmic, orthopedic, and neurosurgical procedures. The company's products are used in hospitals and clinics around the world.
On Friday, STAAR Surgical's NASDAQSTAA stock traded up 7.9% during mid-day trading. The stock reached a high of $33.81 and last traded at $33.70. This represents an increase of $0.51 from the previous closing price of $31.24.
During mid-day trading, 141,375 shares were traded, which is a decline of 80% from the average session volume of 722,642 shares. This suggests that there may have been some volatility in the stock's price on Friday.
It's worth noting that stock prices can fluctuate for a variety of reasons, including company news, broader market trends, and overall investor sentiment. Without more information, it's difficult to say exactly why STAAR Surgical's stock price increased on Friday. However, the company has recently reported strong financial results, which may have contributed to the positive trading activity.
Published 298 days ago
Published 315 days ago
Published 294 days ago
Published 298 days ago