How to restore all database backed up with mysqldump
sudo mysqldump --all-database > NameOfFile.sql (will backup all the databases: on home level)
Duplicate/clone Database (Pipe One database tables including Data into a New Database)
Create a new Database then do this command mysqldump OldDatabaseName | mysql NewDatabaseName (Will dump all database into a previously created Database)
Restore All Databases from SQL file
mysql < NameOfBackedUpSQLFile.sql (On Home Level, will restore all the databases)
Restore Only One Database from SQL dump file of all databases
mysql -D NameOfTheDatabase -o < NameOfBackedUpSQLFile.sql (Will only restore one database)
Transfer /Copy One Table from One Database to Another Database (This will create a new table and populate with data)
Create TABLE DatabaseName.NewTableName SELECT * FROM AnotherDatabase.ExistingTable; (Will copy one table from one database into another Database)
Rename Database
Unfortunately, you can not rename the Database due to Security reasons, one way to this is by dumping your Database in SQL file then creating a new Database, finally import that SQL file and populate the tables.
Export Composer to the Environment $PATH permanently